Monday, February 13, 2012

We've moved! is our new home!

We have a new blog complete with all of our old posts and several new ones! Thanks so much to everyone for reading, and please keep following us!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Purification and Lemon bars and Lime bars

What some might call the "granola" side of me is very aware of the energy in our house. Have you ever walked into someone's house and felt very uncomfortable? Even someone you know well... Maybe you just feel your senses are a touch heightened or maybe you feel the tension in the air? I hate that. I love when people come over to my house. Almost always someone comments, "It's always so comfortable here. I just feel at ease and happy when I'm at your house." Well, folks there's a reason for that!

Just as I work hard to keep the house clean (with 3 dogs, 2 cats and teen aged boys this takes work!), I also work to keep the energy positive in the house. I have a few herbal concoctions (not *that* kind of herbal) that I use from time to time to clear the air. I basically take a few basic herbs/seasonings and boil them on the stove potpourri style. I call them my purification rituals.

A few of my staples in my spice rack for both cooking and aromatic purposes (aside from the typical salt and pepper):
Peppermint, Rosemary, Spearmint, Garlic, Basil, Cinnamon, All Spice, Cilantro (I seriously prefer this freshly cut), Dill Weed, Oregano, Cloves, Fennel, Thyme, Cumin, Chili Powder, Orange, Lemon and Lime Peel

Recently, I noticed that I was running low on lemon peel and lime peel. I can go buy a jar of lemon peel at the store, but it's kind of stupidly expensive, and I have yet to find lime peel in a jar. SO I dry my own. I had Evan pick up lemons and limes on his way home from a meeting the other day, so I could have the peels. But what I was going to do with the fruit I had not yet decided. I hate to waste things. After a bit of thought I decided to try my hand at Lemon Bars, and while I was at it, why not make Lime Bars, too!

OMG are these to die for!!! If you have any kind of inclination toward citrus or sweet and tart desserts, try these! Or come and get mine. I seriously have to get these damned things out of the house. I think I will take them to work with me today to  pawn them off share with my co-workers.

Lemon Bars

Ingredients -
-1 cup (2 stks) butter
-1/2 cup sugar
-2 cups all purpose flour

-4 eggs
-1.5 cups sugar
-1/4 cup all purpose flour
-2 lg lemons, juiced


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175C)
2. Use your hands to mash/blend together butter, sugar and flour for  crust and press out into the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish
3. Bake crust for 20 mins or until firm and golden
4. Whisk together flour, sugar, eggs and juice and pour over baked crust.
5. Bake for an additional 25 mins. It will firm up as it cools
6.Cut into bars, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve (I prefer them chilled)

For the Lime bars:
Same ingredients and directions except replace lemons with limes. When whisking filling ingredients add one or two drops of green food coloring.

These are Da Bomb, y'all!!